calendar 09 May 2024


Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej

Flaga Unii Ewuropejskiej

Unia Europejska

z budżetu państwa

Grafika dekoracyjna przedstawiająca wygląd budynku będącego urzędem

General information

The municipality and town of Nowe Skalmierzyce is situated in the south of Great Poland, in Ostrów county, between two urban centres Kalisz and Ostrów. It’s located by state road number 25. 15,350 people inhabit the area of 12,501 ha. Transport service is provided by the City Communication Plant Ltd  in Ostrów Wlkp. and Kalisz Bus Lines  as well as by the Polish State Railways  and the Car Communication Enterprise. Recently, there has been opened a ring road, which helped to reduce traffic and made the investment lands more attractive. The  local government can attract businessmen  thanks to  location and modern infrastructure. What’s very important  the  whole municipality is covered with water-supply and power supply and partly  provided with a sewer and gas system. The good administration of our municipality has been  appreciated  as we have been placed on a list for top hundred local governments in Poland for five times.