calendar 20 September 2024


Biuletyn Informacji Publicznej

Flaga Unii Ewuropejskiej

Unia Europejska

z budżetu państwa

Grafika dekoracyjna przedstawiająca wygląd budynku będącego urzędem

Health and social work

Basic health care is provided by the Non-public Health Care Centre “Uśmiech Serca”  in Skalmierzyce, the Specialist Health Care Unit in Kotowiecko  as well as private surgeries. The Municipal Healthcare Centre supports   overcoming life difficulties in various forms like money, in-kind and services as needed. Programs like “a student in a village” and “government help in feeding program” are carried out. They help to raise the standard of living of people with very low income.  Moreover, summer holidays by the sea  for local students are organized every year.